Stephen M. Flatow..
09 May '18..
American parents give their kids kites and balloons to play with. Palestinian parents give their kids kites and balloons to try to burn Israel down.
The contrast between the two societies would make for an interesting story in The New York Times, or a segment on, say, “60 Minutes.” Don’t count on either of them—or any other major secular Western news-media outlet—taking an interest in the story any time soon. It’s as if trying to ignite Israel (figuratively and now literally) is the new norm, and thus not newsworthy.
For news of the latest attacks, turn to the Israeli news media. There, we learn that Palestinian Arabs in Gaza launched a wave of helium-filled balloons, with flaming Molotov cocktails attached to them, on Monday to fly across the southern border with Israel. Seven of the balloons made it, causing “great damage” (as Ynet put it).
One of the balloon bombs set off a huge fire in the wheat fields of Kibbutz Mefalsim. The destruction, estimated at “hundreds of thousands of shekels,” was especially extensive because harvest time is fast approaching. That’s a devastating amount for a small kibbutz (total population: approximately 1,000).
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