Adam Levick..
UK Media Watch..
01 May '18..
The distortions, falsehoods and smears in an official Guardian editorial published on April 22 are numerous, and in fact begin in the headline:
Contrary to the headline’s claim, the protests were never about Israel’s partial blockade, but about the supposed ‘right of return’ – that is, the non-existent right of millions of Palestinian descendants of refugees from ’48 to “return” to Israel – thus the name of the event: “The Great Return March”.
The editorial opens:
This weekend the United Nations Middle East peace envoy asked: “How does the killing of a child in #Gaza today help #peace? It doesn’t! It fuels anger and breeds more killing.” Nickolay Mladenov was right to be outraged. He tweeted after a Palestinian teenager was shot in the head apparently by Israeli army snipers while peacefully protesting near a border fence. The Israeli government at first dismissed calls for an investigation, only to concede to one after the international community called on the military to “stop killing children”
First, the lethal narrative that Israel intentionally murders children is an ugly smear, one used by Palestinian propagandists and other who seek to demonise Israel, one which obfuscates Hamas’s cynical and illegal use of children as combatants. Further, the Guardian’s characterisation of the protest in question as “peaceful” is a flat-out lie. Whilst the circumstances of the Palestinian teen’s death are not yet clear, there’s no doubt that the 10,000 strong Palestinian protest that he participated in included the use of Molotov cocktails and other forms of violence – as well as attempts to damage the fence which protects southern Israeli communities from Hamas terrorists.
The editorial continues:
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