Amb. Alan Baker..
Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs..
01 May '18..
It is quite amazing how certain commentators with a political ax to grind will write anything to justify their pre-determined political viewpoint and, at the same time, get their material published.
It is all the more amazing how a commentator like Peter Beinart, in a recent article entitled “American Jews Have Abandoned Gaza – and the Truth” (Forward, April 26, 2018), manipulates and misrepresents what he claims, and has the gall to present, as “the truth.”
It is utterly sad that Beinart has chosen to vent his own, personal, seething hatred of Israel. The fact that the editors gave him license to vent this hatred through manipulation and inaccuracy represents a disservice to what Beinart describes as “well-meaning American Jews.”
Without seeking to analyze Beinart’ s political motivations and the source of his pathological hostility, it is nevertheless necessary to correct some of his inaccurate and misguided rantings about what he claims to be “the truth” regarding the situation in Gaza.
The thousands of Palestinians who “risk their lives by running toward the Israeli snipers who guard the fence,” do so not because Gaza is becoming uninhabitable and Israel is responsible for its plight, as he claims, but because the “protesters” are driven and incited by those who send them in a futile and symbolic act to “drive the Jews out of Palestine.” Hamas mobilizes at the same time those, such as Peter Beinart, who are ready and waiting to soak up anything that might present Israel in an adverse light.
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