Gilad Zwick..
01 May '18..
As President Trump indicates that the US is leaning toward withdrawing from the nuclear deal, a series of international experts are astonished by the new revelations Israel exposed last night regarding the Iranian nuclear program. “The new information reveals that Iran lied when it declared that it had never attempted to develop nuclear capabilities for military purposes,” says Mark Dubowitz, one of leading analysts of Iran’s nuclear program.
Dubowitz, CEO of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, was considered the driving force behind the economic sanctions imposed on Iran during President Obama’s tenure. He has, until recently, supported the amendment of the agreement though not its total cancellation.
As a result of the information revealed by Israel, he is reconsidering his position. “The new discoveries make it very difficult to support just the amendment of the agreement,” he admits. “Bibi revealed that Iran took all the instructions for making a nuclear bomb and buried them deep away from the prying eyes of the IAEA and Western intelligence”
Dubowitz also clarified that the information exposed yesterday had the power to thwart the nuclear deal at the time:
“If we knew in 2015 what we know today, that [the] Iran regime had hidden a massive atomic archive with the details of how to rebuild its military-nuke program at a time of their choosing, there wouldn’t have been a nuke deal.”
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