Jerold Auerbach..
03 May '18..
Criticizing Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’s “vile words” in his address to the Palestinian National Council, The New York Times‘ editorial brigade seemed (finally) to have grasped Palestinian reality. Citing Abbas’ “reprehensible anti-Semitic myths and conspiracy theories,” it concluded what Israelis long ago learned: Abbas has “shed all credibility as a trustworthy partner” in peace negotiations.
For a newspaper long opposed to the very idea of a Jewish state, buried the Holocaust in its inside pages, and has incessantly blamed Israel for failed peace negotiations with Palestinians, it was a welcome change. It finally recognized that Abbas’s antisemitic “tendencies are not new,” even citing his doctoral dissertation that “seemed to question” (i.e. denied) the Nazi extermination of six million Jews.
That said, however, the editorial glided into conventional Times mode. First there was a reference to “Israel’s hard-line government,” which has “expanded settlement building” — a familiar Times lament. Then it cited “pressures” on Abbas, “some of his own making and many others caused by Israel,” that presumably make governing difficult for the Palestinian president, now in the 13th year of his four-year term. But at least it reached the appropriate conclusion: “It is time for him to leave office.”
If the (belated) Times editorial criticism of Abbas surely is deserved, its coverage of the Hamas-inspired weekly violence on Israel’s border with Gaza has been woefully myopic.
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