Lyn Julius..
Times of Israel..
29 October '12..
There was a time when the Left could simultaneously support Israel and the fight for Algerian independence. Not any more. So what has changed?
Part of the answer lies in a rich and thoughtful New York Times article, “The European Left and its trouble with the Jews” by Colin Shindler, emeritus professor at the School for Asian and African Studies (SOAS) in London. Professor Shindler has made a specialism of studying the Left, and in particular, its attitude to Israel.
The article’s starting point is that Jews in France have recently been the targets of vicious and, in Toulouse, lethal anti-Jewish hatred. Shindler charges that the European Left has been reluctant to take a clear stand when the anti-Zionism of Islamist extremists spills over into anti-semitism. To cement the ‘red-green’ alliance on Israel, the Left has had to compromise its liberal principles on women, gays, minorities – a worldview light-years removed from their own.
The 1956 Suez adventure in collusion with Britain and France, and later, its dependency on the US, tarred Israel with the brush of imperialism. Since 1967, the conquest of the West Bank tarred Israel with the brush of colonialism, with the Arab side pointing out ad nauseam the injustice of building ‘Jewish settlements on Arab land’.
There is much worth reading in Shindler’s article, but some aspects I disagree with. Firstly, the point at which anti-Zionism spilled over into anti-semitism dates back, not to the rise of Hezbollah, but to the 1920s, when the Palestinian Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, instigated riots in Palestine. Secondly, Arab supporters of accommodation with Jewish self-determination were sidelined not 10, nor even 20 years ago, but in the first half of the 20th century. The real schism between Arab moderates and extremists took place as the Mufti consolidated his hold over his rivals in Palestine. Later, he was to exert influence on Arab leaders to the point when ridding Palestine of the Jews became a pan-Arab cause.
One Choice: Fight to Win
6 months ago