David Collier..
Beyond the Great Divide..
21 May '18..
Have you heard the one about the Jewish activists who said Kaddish for Palestinian terrorists?
The story starts in November 2015 during the ‘stabbing intifada‘ that saw a wave of stabbing attacks by Palestinians against Israelis. British students honoured Palestinian terrorists who died whilst killing or trying to kill Israelis.
The great invasion
Fast forward to May 2018. The Hamas are weak and facing unrest inside the Gaza strip. We cannot know for sure whether the idea of a border protest was really a grassroots movement or not, but if it were, it was soon hijacked by Hamas. They began promoting ‘peaceful protest’ along the Gaza border with Israel. Then using peaceful demonstrators as human shields, violent operatives could elicit a military response by trying to engage in attacks. Hamas was back doing what it does best, manipulating the narrative.
On the first day, 30 march, seventeen Palestinians were killed by the IDF. All male and aged between 19 to 32. Israel claimed most fatalities were terrorists. By the time 14 May approached, about fifty Palestinians had died. These included a group of six Hamas operatives who died handling explosives, and another four from the Islamic Jihad who seem to have died the same way.
What was absolutely clear on the morning of 14 May, was that with the explosives, kite bombs and armed operatives, the vast majority of fatalities had been engaged in violent activity.
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