Elder of Ziyon..
04 July '16..
Times of Israel interviews the Arab couple who helped the survivors of the terrorist attack that murdered Rabbi Miki Mark:
In the moments after the Friday drive-by shooting attack that killed Rabbi Miki Mark outside the West Bank city of Hebron, a local Palestinian couple helped the surviving members of his family escape the overturned vehicle and administered first aid until first responders arrived at the scene.
“At first I thought it was an accident. I opened the door, which was difficult because the car was overturned,” the Palestinian man, a resident of Hebron, told Channel 2. “The girl was inside the car screaming, ‘They’re killing us,’ so I just kept telling her not to be afraid and that everything would be fine.”
After he managed to pry one of the doors open, the man, who wasn’t named in the report, said he pulled 14-year-old Tehila from the wrecked car.
He said his wife, who is a medical doctor, worked to stanch the bleeding from the teen’s abdominal wound while he called an ambulance to the scene.
“She was telling them in English, ‘Do not be afraid, we are here to help you,'” he recalled.
The man said he then pulled 15-year-old Pedaya out of the car, and attempted to calm him.
“I took the boy and I hugged him, I gave him some water and applied iodine, and just kept telling him that everything was going to be fine,” he said. “It doesn’t matter to me if it was an accident or a terror attack, it’s irrelevant. These are people, children, who need help, and if I can help, I will help them.
“The girl told me, ‘God sent an Arab to help us,'” he added.
This Arab couple is truly heroic.
Here's another set of Arabs who were in the news recently:
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