Stephen M. Flatow..
21 July '16..
Israel’s parliament this week took action in response to an Arab Knesset member’s public support of a terrorist who murdered an American-Jewish peace activist.
But if you read the account by New York Times correspondent Isabel Kershner, you wouldn’t know anything about the terrorist or his victim—all you would learn is that Israel’s rulers are suppressing dissent and might be infected by “budding fascism.”
It’s as if Kershner and her editors are living in some kind of alternative universe, in which Israel is always guilty, Arab extremists are always innocent, and the 141 Americans who have been murdered by Palestinian terrorists simply don’t exist.
The current controversy began in February, when Haneen Zoabi and two other Arab Knesset Members (all from the Balad Party) paid a solidarity visit to ten families of Palestinian terrorists who were involved in recent attacks. One was the father of Baha Alyan.
For those who don’t recognize Alyan’s name, let me refresh your memory.
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Stephen M. Flatow, an attorney in New Jersey, is the father of Alisa Flatow, who was murdered in an Iranian-sponsored Palestinian terrorist attack in 1995.
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