Sheri Oz..
Israel Diaries..
14 July '16..
There is something you can do about the Transparency Law if you really think it unscrupulously discriminates against left-wing organizations.
While the pretext for this bill is greater “transparency,” what it really does is create a series of new hoops that organizations that criticize Israeli government policy must now jump through or face huge fines. Targeted to progressive organizations, especially human rights organizations, that receive foreign government funding, the bill deliberately avoids requiring funding transparency of right-wing and settler organizations, which receive millions each year from foreign individuals.
I must admit that I just don’t get what all the fuss is about. Why should you have a problem revealing the identity of those who support your own goals? I once ran an NGO. If some French government body had wanted to donate money to the operation of my NGO, I would have proudly shouted it from the rooftops, unless the French government told me not to and made their donation to me dependent upon my silence, that is. Your anger at having to reveal the sources of your funds sounds fishy to me.
As I think more and more about the fuss the Left is making about the Transparency Law, the more confused I get. Here are the things I am confused about:
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