Sheri Oz..
Israel Diaries..
12 July '16..
Gaza can only wish to be like the other densest world regions among which it is classified!
The lies about Gaza continue to be reiterated ad nauseum on the social media and even in reputable news outlets. This short piece contradicts these lies.
First Lie: Gaza is the densest place on Earth.
People seem to love to say that Gaza, with its 1.8 million people on 365 square kilometers, is “the most densely populated place on Earth”. Yet, a simple Google search would have shown this to be untrue. Dense it may be, but it is 6th densest and not the most dense. Words matter. Accuracy matters. Just wait a moment before you bite my head off, telling me that there is little difference between the most dense and 6th most dense.
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Related: (+Video) Tel Aviv, a City More Densely Populated Than Gaza
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