Judith Bergman..
Israel Hayom..
08 July '16..
In the wake of the report of the Middle East Quartet, which called on Israel to cease settlement construction and expansion, the U.S. State Department this week issued an unusually harsh statement against Israel. In it, the Obama administration accused Israel of "systematically seizing Palestinian land," with State Department spokesman John Kirby claiming that "settlement expansions and legalization of outposts is fundamentally undermining the prospects for a two-state solution."
The timing of the United States' condemnation of Israel could not possibly be more bizarre. After two heinous terrorist attacks last week, in which a 13-year-old girl (who, incidentally, held dual Israeli-U.S. citizenship) was stabbed to death in her sleep and a father of 10 was murdered, the U.S. chose to focus its outrage on the building of Jewish houses, not the murder of Jewish children and fathers.
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