Dr. Aaron Lerner..
IMRA Weekly Commentary..
13 July '16..
Link: http://www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=71025
"..there is a difference between a hospital where civilians are present and an infrastructure facility."
PM Netanyahu's spokesman, Boaz Stambler - quoted by by Ariel Kahaneh in Makor Rishon 1.7.16
Until now the only Israeli response to hospital shielded Hamas military targets was to whine about it.
That's military command posts, weapons factories, you-name-it.
And Hamas has no reason to expect this policy to change.
And if Hamas doesn't expect Israel to lift a finger to neutralize military targets shielded by hospitals there is every reason to expect that they have increased their reliance on hospital shielded military facilities.
There has been a lot of talk about about Israeli investments in technology and training to address the tunnel threat.
I very much hope that we are investing in whatever gizmos and special training is required so that we can indeed neutralize military targets shielded by hospitals without significant civilian casualties.
Yes. It's a tall order. And I'm not claiming that there's some expensive off the shelf solution just there for the asking.
But there are a lot of very smart Israelis - both in technology and special forces operations.
And I most certainly hope that when the day comes that we have another war in the Gaza Strip that in the first hours of the operation those military targets shielded by hospitals are neutralized.
Because the shock and awe effect of such a development could both dramatically shorten the fighting and put Israel in a very advantageous position at the end of the operation.
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis - Since 1992 providing news and analysis on the Middle East with a focus on Arab-Israeli relations
Website: www.imra.org.il
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