Daniel Greenfield..
Sultan Knish..
10 July '16..
Hallel Yaffa Ariel, a 13-year-old girl, was asleep when she was murdered in her own bedroom. She had just graduated 8th grade. It was her summer vacation and she was taking it easy. The Muslim terrorist who broke into her bedroom stabbed her over and over again. Eventually he slit her throat.
The mattress that she slept on was soaked in blood. Her room with its casual teenage disarray, clothes
tossed around carelessly, was stained red with the last gush of life from the girl who had played there, danced there and dreamed of the future that would never be hers.
The murder happened in Israel, but Hallel was an American citizen. Her government not only failed to protect her, it financed her bloody death. And it will go on rewarding her killer’s family.
Muslim terrorists in Israel, no matter which specific Islamic terrorist group they claim allegiance to, whether they are described as members of a cell or lone wolves, have their attacks funded by the terrorist administration of the Palestinian Authority which provides salaries to terrorists and their families. The Palestinian Authority is funded almost entirely by foreign aid, most of it from us. Obama insisted that Abbas, the terror boss of the Palestinian Authority, had “renounced violence”. This would have come as news to Abbas who boasted, “There is no difference between our policies and those of Hamas.” Last month, an Abbas adviser had said, “Every place you find an Israeli, slit his throat.”
That’s what Mohammed Tarayrah, the Muslim terrorist who murdered Hallel in her bedroom, did.
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