Honest Reporting..
04 July '16..
Update: It took a couple of days and complaints from both HonestReporting and you, our readers, but the National Post has finally listened and amended a shocking headline.
The facts: Thirteen-year-old Hallel Yaffa Ariel was sleeping in her bed. A Palestinian broke into the family home and repeatedly stabbed her, killing her. He did not know her personally. He did not kill her to rob her or for any other reason than the fact that he set out to kill an Israeli Jew. He was lauded by family, friends, and Palestinian Authority officials who praised him as a martyr and funded a tent complete with flags celebrating the attack.
Could there be a clearer case of terrorism? Is there anyone, anywhere who would believe that this act was anything other than an act of terrorism?
The astonishing answer is yes, at least that’s what is implied in Canada’s National Post, which described the attack in the headline as “what Israel calls a terrorist attack.” Is the National Post trying to cast doubt on the obvious motivations behind this appalling butchery?
(Continue to Full Article)
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