Ricki Hollander..
CAMERA Media Analyses..
13 July '16..
For years there has been a concerted effort by Palestinians and Muslim states to rewrite history and eradicate any Jewish connection to Judaism's holiest sites. The latest attempt takes the form of a joint Palestinian-Jordanian draft resolution submitted to UNESCO's World Heritage Committee. It calls for a return of the Temple Mount to its alleged "historic" status quo before 1967, as if history starts and ends with the 19 years of Jordanian domination over the site when Jews were barred from visiting.
Though the resolution is clearly based on falsehood and distortion, there was no guarantee that the UN's cultural organization would dismiss it. After all, UNESCO had just three months earlier sided with anti-Israel forces to pass a resolution condemning Jewish visits to and policing of the Temple Mount, which it referred to only by its Arab terms – al-Aksa Mosque/al-Haram al Sharif. While France, a member that voted for the April resolution, subsequently apologized for this, Palestinians and Muslims were encouraged to step up their campaign. This time around, however, members of the World Heritage Committee realized they would probably lack the votes to pass the contentious resolution at their annual meeting in Istanbul, and indefinitely delayed voting on it.
Media outlets reporting on such ahistorical, politically motivated actions should make sure to include the historical facts and implications of such moves.
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