Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Uncovering some of Nabi Saleh's hideous buried secrets - by Arnold Roth

...Virtually everyone in Nabi Saleh is a member of the Tamimi clan. That includes our daughter's murderer and the murderer's husband who is also her cousin - and also a convicted murder of Jews. And also freed in the catastrophic Shalit Deal [in 2011]. (They now live in Amman, Jordan). And also a hero of those self-proclaimed peace-loving, non-violent villagers.

Via Legal Insurrection
Arnold/Frimet Roth..
This Ongoing War..
19 December '17..

There's suddenly wide interest in the village of Nabi Saleh and the malevolent Tamimi clan who live there after a series of events during the past few days. Typical of the way the affair is being covered in the mainstream media, here's the background as interpreted from London: "Palestinian girl arrested after troops 'slapped' in video" [BBC, today]. Our interest in the town and in the clan stems from the fact that one of the Tamimi women is the self-confessed-but-free murderer of our daughter, Malki.

There's much we want to say. Here below is an extract of a post we published two years ago on matters that even interested people are unlikely to know. That post is "01-Sep-15: A tale of two villages: one devoted to non-violence, another that actually exists".

Those who see only giants and heroes in that hateful little Palestinian Arab town [Nabi Saleh] probably share the view, typical of its kind, that asserts

the village is struggling for humanity, justice, peace and dignity, and... they need their freedom [via a far-left Israeli publication, yesterday]

But there are Arabic-language sources that tell us with far greater candor and clarity what really drives Nabi Saleh's Tamimis. Those Arabic texts naturally were never intended to be seen by people like us and those who read our posts. But web tools make them easy to find.

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