Sheri Oz..
Israel Diaries..
09 August '16..
Why are the Arab enemies of Israel so concerned about the number of dead Jews? Just who are they competing with? Who cares who killed more Jews?
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Numbers seems to be an important thing to people who hate Jews. And now, we see the “moderate” Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) playing the numbers game with the Hamas opponents challenging his rule in the upcoming elections this October. I’m waiting for a post by Hamas saying that THEY have killed more Jews than Fatah. As an aside, it is interesting that the Facebook post in which this grandiose claim was made has been taken down. I doubt it violated Facebook policy, but I do wonder why it has been removed.
The Facebook post was translated by Palestinian Media Watch — Palwatch — an uploaded to Twitter.
The following is yesterday's Fatah post celebrating and bragging about Fatah's murder of Israeli civilians:
"To those who argue [with Fatah], to the ignorant, and to those who do not know history:
- Fatah has killed 11,000 Israelis
- Fatah has sacrificed 170,000 Martyrs (Shahids)...
- Fatah was the first to carry out operations (i.e., terror attacks) during the first Intifada (i.e., Palestinian violence and terror against Israel, 1988-1993), and it was the first Palestinian faction to reach the nuclear reactor in Dimona (i.e., 1988 murder of 3 working mothers on way to the Dimona plant)
- Fatah was the first to fight in the second Intifada (i.e., PA terror campaign 2000-2005) (Baha Al-Sa'id, an officer in the Preventive Security Forces, infiltrated an Israeli settlement on the border with Gaza) [parenthesis in source]...
- Fatah was the first to defeat the Zionist enemy (Battle of El-Karameh) [parenthesis in source]...
- Fatah led the Palestinian attack on Israel in the UN."
[Official Fatah Facebook, Aug. 2, 2016
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