Elder of Ziyon..
14 August '16..
Mondoweiss pretends to do some reporting:
Last month we interviewed Mary al Atrash, a 22-year-old swimmer from Beit Sahour in the West Bank who was part of the largest delegation Palestine has ever sent to the Olympic Games.
She told us about her difficulties to train in a swimming pool that does not match the Olympic standards, and explained that although she technically lives close to Jerusalem, where such swimming pools, exist, she could not go there to train.
After our story was published, a controversy started: Israeli authorities explained that Mary never applied for a permit to train in Jerusalem.
After COGAT –the Israeli Ministry of Defense organization coordinating civil affairs between Palestinians and Israelis in the Palestinian territories- published a statement saying Mary al Atrash never applied for a permit to train in Jerusalem, we contacted Mary and the organizations that supervise her training such as the Palestinian Swimming Federation and the Palestine Olympic Committee.
Indeed, it seems that Mary never applied for a permit, and neither did a lot of other Palestinian athletes.
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