Elder of Ziyon..
31 July '16..
The headline in the New York Times says "How Benjamin Netanyahu Is Crushing Israel’s Free Press."
So how is Israel's free press being "crushed"?
The article gives exactly three examples:
1. The Israel Hayom newspaper is unabashedly (and embarrassingly) pro-Bibi. While it might chill any staffers on the paper from writing anything against the prime minister, that does not "crush" Israel's free press.
2. Walla News became more pro-Netanyahu when its parent company, the Bezeq communications company, benefited from some government legislation.
3. The government has tried to open up TV channels to more competition, which is regarded by the op-ed writer as a cynical ploy to kill networks that Bibi doesn't like.
So how is the Israeli press responding to being "crushed"?
Although for years the most widely read daily, Yediot Ahronot, and its owner took a decidedly anti-Netanyahu line, claims of left-wing bias fall flat these days, when most Israelis are getting their news from Israel Hayom or Walla News, and when the only remaining liberal bastion — Haaretz — struggles to stay afloat. And yet Mr. Netanyahu continues to present himself as a victim of a vindictive press.
But Yediot is still around. Haaretz is still around. No one is pressuring them to change their editorial line. The success of Israel Hayom and the poor performance of Haaretz have nothing to do with governmental policies, and everything to do with Israelis considering Haaretz to be way too far left and Israel Hayom being free.
There must be more evidence for this crushing of free press , right?
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