Khaled Abu Toameh..
Gatestone Institute..
18 August '16..
The dreamers in English still have it: "Hamas and Israel, Israel and Hamas. Maybe one day...who knows." And then the Arabic-language truth rolls in: "Death to Israel, always!"
Some Arab and Western political analysts have mistakenly interpreted Hamas's agreement to participate in the Palestinian local and municipal elections, scheduled for October 8, as a sign of the movement's "pragmatism" and march toward recognizing Israel's right to exist.
They falsely assume that Hamas's readiness to take part in the democratic process shows that the leaders of the extremist movement are also prepared to abandon their dream of destroying Israel and abandoning the "armed struggle" against it.
These arguments about Hamas's purported "pragmatism" and "moderation" were also made back in 2006, when Hamas contested the Palestinian parliamentary election. Then too, many political analysts claimed that Hamas's decision to run in the election was an encouraging sign that the movement has endorsed a new, moderate approach toward Israel and the peace process.
Reality, however, has proven these assumptions utterly false. Hamas's victory in the 2006 parliamentary election did not bring about any changes in its extremist ideology. Hamas did not change its charter, which calls for the destruction of Israel. Nor did Hamas abandon its murderous terrorist attacks against Israelis.
To recall, here is what the Hamas charter openly states about this issue:
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Khaled Abu Toameh, an award-winning journalist, is based in Jerusalem.
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