Sheri Oz..
Israel Diaries..
05 August '16..
Nazareth Mayor Salam: Bibi was right! Arabs were surging to the polls . . . under the influence of Abu Mazen. And I helped them do so.
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Seems like a growing part of international diplomatic relations involves clandestine efforts to influence elections in countries that are not one’s own. The USA is worried that Russia is using espionage to change the natural course of the American presidential election by disclosing the underhanded manipulations that apparently took place in making sure that Hillary won the Democratic nominations over Sanders.
Of direct concern to us Israelis, the US State Department has revealed that the suspicions that Obama and/or his people illegally interfered in the most recent Israeli elections may be based on fact. And now we have a disclosure that suggests that Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman, Abu Mazen (also called Mahmoud Abbas), tried to alter Israeli history via our elections. Nazareth Mayor Ali Salam admitted that Abu Mazen called him on the day of elections with a request.
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