Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Palestinian Authority says accurate Israeli descriptions of how they honor terrorists are "incitement" - by Elder of Ziyon

...Accurately reporting on how Palestinians honor murderers is considered "incitement" by the Palestinian Authority. In a sense I suppose it is, because it causes Israelis to get angry at their "peace partners."

Elder of Ziyon..
02 January '18..

The official Palestinian Authority Wafa news agency has a weekly feature describing all of the cases of supposed Israeli media "incitement" that would cause Israelis to want to murder or attack Arabs.

Obviously they do this just to counter the very real incitement that they have daily in their media; if they can point to Israeli incitement they feel that they are blunting the message from Palestinian Media Watch and MEMRI and others. Even the most ridiculous pretense of incitement irs enough for them to be able to point to statistics that no one will challenge of "Israeli media had X number of articles this week inciting violence."

Here is the very first example from their report from last week.

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