Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Surprise? Dr. Lara Kollab says Israel supporters "should have their immune cells killed" - by Canary Mission

Canary Mission has accepted numerous apologies since we began. We remove profiles when we see real signs of understanding that bigotry and racism are wrong. We cannot accept Dr. Kollab’s apology because it isn’t genuine.

Canary Mission..
07 January '19..

Like many of you, we were not impressed by Dr. Lara Kollab’s “apology.” In it, she attempted to blame Israeli Jews for her disgusting tweets and tried to make out she was just young.

Since she had previously been caught lying about her account being a fake, we decided to verify her new claims. We diligently trawled through our archive of her Twitter feed (it is not small). Our initial aim was to show the full timeline of her anti-Semitism. To our surprise, we found some new, very disturbing material.

On May 4, 2013, Kollab tweeted: “Studying for my med micro final, came across this. Clearly, I pay attention in class and write very useful notes.”

The tweet featured a handwritten note that read:

“People who support Israel should have their immune cells killed so they can see how it feels to not be able to defend yourself from foreign invaders.”

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