Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Question. Does the UN want to enable terror or disable terror? - by Sander Gerber and Yossi Kuperwasser

A peace process cannot be built on a foundation of lies. The choice is clear: you are either a terror enabler or a terror disabler. We ask the UN — and the world — which side of the moral divide are you on?

Sander Gerber/Yossi Kuperwasser..
14 January '19..

On Monday, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is scheduled to meet with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. The UN announcement of the meeting doesn’t refer to Abbas as president; rather, it uses the term “His Excellency,” which is the UN protocol title for a country’s leader. Then on Tuesday, the “State of Palestine” will assume the Chairmanship of the Group of 77 — a coalition of 134 developing nations, designed to promote its members’ collective economic interests and create an enhanced joint negotiating capacity in the United Nations.

Abbas’ recognition by the UN as the legitimate ruler of the Palestinian people is nearly as bizarre as the UN’s near-acceptance of the idea that the Palestinian Authority (PA) contributes to global peace and prosperity. All this begs a question: Does the UN want to enable terror or disable terror?

(Continue to Full Column)

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