Thursday, January 24, 2019

Are Israel’s foes finally admitting that rocks can kill? - by Jonathan S. Tobin

Rock-throwing has always been depicted as a harmless act of symbolism used by the powerless, but after an alleged settler attack, it’s time to agree that it’s an act of terror.

Jonathan S. Tobin..
23 January '19..

As far as the mainstream media is usually concerned, when rocks are thrown in the Middle East, it’s nothing to get too worked up about. When Palestinian mobs throw rocks at Israeli soldiers at the Gaza border fence as part of their effort to cross into the Jewish state and commit mayhem, such actions are generally depicted as a nonlethal form of protest.

Ever since the Palestinians launched an intifada—a “national uprising”—in December of 1987, rock-throwing has been treated as a popular form of protest against Israel. Indeed, the act of throwing rocks at Jews has long since become an iconic symbolic of the “resistance” to Israel, glorified in Palestinian culture, poems and songs. Throwing rocks at soldiers and settlers or their cars and buses has become something like a national sport, as well as a rite of passage for Arab youth.

...a nonlethal form of protest? (TY Daniel Sass - Video 2012)

Incidents of stone-throwing at Jewish targets are a daily occurrence, and so numerous that Israel barely bothers to keep statistics on them. But we do know that at least 14 Israelis have been killed as a result of car crashes caused by rock-throwing or direct blows. When Palestinians are arrested in connection with such crimes, they are either depicted sympathetically as legitimate combatants using the only weapons available to them or as children who are unjustly harassed or even tortured by the Israeli army and police for what is, at worst, nothing more than so-called teenage mischief-making.

But after more than 30 years of such stories in the media, the international press has finally decided to treat this “harmless” activity in the West Bank as a crime.

(Continue to Full Column)

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