Sheri Oz..
Israel Diaries..
27 April '18..
If Jews are in trouble anywhere in the world, Israel will do what it can to save them. The Entebbe rescue is only one such example. When Americans were trapped in the embassy in Iran and their lives were threatened, the USA made attempts to rescue them. The PA has no power to do anything militarily, but we do not see their diplomats shouting out in pain or banging on tables in the UN, begging the “protector of world peace” to pull no stops in rescuing the Palestinians dying in Syria or running for their lives.
Yesterday (26 April 2018), renowned Israeli Arab writer, Khaled Abu Toameh, wrote a heartfelt piece on the atrocities committed against Palestinian refugees in Syria, describing a clear case of ethnic cleansing. He concluded with the claim that if Palestinians are not being killed by Jews they are of no interest to anyone, not the UN, not even their own leaders in the Palestinian Authority (PA):
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