Daniel Pomerantz..
Honest Reporting..
01 April '18..
During the Passover weekend, some 30,000 Palestinians in Gaza approached the border with Israel and carried out a variety of violent activities in what they call the “Land Day Protests” or the “March of Return.”
We’ve seen quite a bit of mishandled coverage, so here are the main myths and facts so you can better understand the situation and also speak up when you see inaccurate or biased media.
Myth: This is a non-violent “protest” or a “march.”
Fact: It is none of the above.
#GreatReturnMarch in #Gaza is another great show of #Palestinian non violence. (Via Reuters) pic.twitter.com/dIDWw4uRv2— LTC (R) Peter Lerner (@LTCPeterLerner) March 30, 2018
Despite its official name, which has been widely repeated by the media, this is not a “protest” nor a “march” by any commonsense or dictionary understanding of the words.
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