Arnold/Frimet Roth..
23 April '18..
His Excellency Dr Mohammad Momani,
State Minister for Media Affairs and Communications,
Amman, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Dear Dr Momani,
We know from very recent media reports that Jordan is currently navigating treacherous waters. Its economy is weak, prices are rising, incomes are not and government subsidies on bread and other essentials are being slashed or removed. Jordan’s GDP per capita is barely a quarter of the world’s average, roughly the same as Albania’s. In 1965 (according to the World Bank), Israel’s GDP was 2.7 times the size of Jordan’s. Today (IMF estimates for 2018) it’s almost 7 times as large. The two countries have roughly the same size population and roughly equivalent resources.
We’re hearing that the Jordanian populace are angry and the fury is growing. There have been riots over the prices of basic foods.
On top of all that, there’s been an upsurge in grand larceny as this report from yesterday shows:
(Continue to Full Letter)
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