Bassam Tawil..
Gatestone Institute..
23 April '18..
Denial of Jewish history in Jerusalem and the existence of the Jewish Temple has always been a central component of the Palestinian narrative and ideology.
Palestinians, like members of all societies, disagree on many things. Nevertheless, when it comes to the historical connection between Jews and Jerusalem, Palestinians manage to unite in lies: Palestinian political leaders, academics and religious leaders have long promoted the false narrative that Jerusalem was, and remains, an Arab and Islamic city.
We are currently witnessing a new twist on this old lie.
It seems that some Palestinians are now trying to deceive the world into believing that they do, indeed, recognize the Jewish people's historic connection to Jerusalem.
The problem is that Palestinian officials tell their people one thing in Arabic and the rest of the world another thing in English.
One of these con artists is Husam Zomlot, the head of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) diplomatic mission in Washington.
Zomlot appears to grasp that the Palestinian denial of the Jewish people's connection to Jerusalem is something that needs to be hidden from the international community, especially Jews living in the US, Canada and elsewhere around the world.
He understands that this Palestinian denial is problematic, especially for left-wing Jewish organizations such as J Street.
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