Gilead Ini..
Camera Media Analyses..
16 April '18..
John Lennon never said he would eat the bodily organs of his enemies.
But Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar did. During a March 31 speech at the Gaza Strip's border with Israel, Sinwar said Palestinians "can't give up one inch of the land of Palestine," which he reiterated includes all of Israel in Hamas's view. He told Israelis that Palestinians would find work by "shooting you at point-blank range." Rather than starve, he added, they will "eat your liver."
A week later, Sinwar proclaimed that "We will take down the border and we will tear out their hearts from their bodies."
So when, in today's newspaper, the New York Times invoked Lennon's most famous anti-war lyrics to describe Hamas's position — "Battle Weary, Hamas Gives Peaceful Protests a Chance," a headline in the newspaper's April 16 print edition declared — it was a discordant juxtaposition with the terror organization's actual policies, and its continued glorification of violence. Only a day earlier, Israel uncovered yet another of Hamas's cross-border attack tunnels.
The Times article itself was somewhat more equivocal than its print headline.
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