Elder of Ziyon..
15 March '18..
For decades, the narrative has dominated how Arabs talked to the West, especially Western diplomats, was that the Palestinians are the top priority in the Arab world. Every meeting between US diplomats and Arab leaders, as documented in Wikileaks, seem to have prioritized the importance of the Palestinian issue.
An article in Arab American News this week lists ten "core Arab values" and of course support for Palestinians is considered one of them.
Ever since the declaration of Israel in 1948, the Palestinian cause has been the core consideration of all Arabs. Different Arab states, groups, and people advocate for the basic rights of Palestinian people. After the turmoil of Arab Spring, Arab states, and people became overwhelmed with their own issues that the Palestinian case became marginalized. However, Trump’s announcement to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem to become the capital of Israel revived the issue and ignited anger across the Arab world for Palestinian people and Jerusalem, as an Arab holy city.
But as we have seen for many years, Arab countries - even rich Gulf states - have had a habit of pledging lots of money to Palestinians paying only a tiny percentage.
Their actions have never followed their words. And lately, as even this article shows, their words have become less supportive of Palestinians in recent years as well, and Jerusalem has not changed that at all (there were no major protests in the Arab world over the Trump Jerusalem decision, even though reporters looked hard.)
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