Dr. Reuven Berko..
Israel Hayom..
21 March '18..
Link: http://www.israelhayom.com/opinions/peaceful-palestinian-protests/
The Palestinians are busy planning mass processions toward Israel ahead of the U.S. Embassy move to Jerusalem in May, in an attempt to create a "third intifada" that copies the murderous First Intifada of 1987-1991, which they define as a success. The Second Intifada, of course, was defeated by the Israel Defense Forces with our resilient nation's backing.
Most Palestinians understand that these attempts will bring nothing but the loss of life.
This was also true of Sari Nusseibeh's plan. A partner to the 1973 Geneva Conference, he spearheaded the effort to form a human chain of protesters along the length of the 1967 borders. In early 2002, police found a screensaver on a computer belonging to this "man of peace" that showed a Palestinian human chain planned for June that year. It showed figures closing in on Israel from all sides, dividing the country in two, against the background of a bloody clock. Hand grenades were also shown being thrown at the "occupation." In the accompanying caption, Nusseibeh expressed confidence that Europe would support the Palestinian struggle.
This presentation is a reflection of the hateful mindset of the Palestinians.
Terrorist acts carried out by "victims" under the false pretenses of arguments about peace, sometimes with Israelis' assistance, and the exploitation of anti-Semitic hatred for their benefit: Experience shows us that in these cynical "non-violent demonstrations," people serve as pawns.
The Palestinians thank Allah that the Jews are their enemy. They interpret military ethics, the value attributed to life, the trepidation at war and sensitivity to international opinion as a weakness to be used as leverage for deception, blackmail and terrorism.
However, as a result of international terrorism, the Europeans and the Americans, and even the Arabs, have grown frustrated with Palestinian terrorism and lies, and as a result, their plight has been sidelined. U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital put an end to their illusions of establishing the capital of a fake Palestine there. The dead end in Gaza, the realization that the conspiracy to flood Israel with "refugees" under a "Palestinian right of return" and thus eradicate Israel through demographics has been foiled, and the knowledge that Israel will act to prevent the border with Jordan from turning into another Philadelphia Corridor, the 14-kilometer (8-mile) road along the Gaza-Egypt border, which prior to the 2005 disengagement from Gaza was used as a buffer zone controlled and patrolled by Israeli forces – all of the above have been seen as disasters by the Palestinian murder syndicate.
Enemies with a common cause, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority continue to fund terrorists, incite toward "sacrifice," memorialize murderers and pay their families. The Palestinian doctrine strives for Israel's destruction and is not dependent on any particular leader. In their schools and mosques, on social media and in statements by Palestinian leaders, the incessant incitement is proof the masses have not changed their mindset when it comes to Israel.
PA President Mahmoud Abbas appears to have removed his stately veneer, cursing U.S. President Donald Trump and calling U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman a "son of a dog."
Although we are now in the cyber era, the Palestinians and Hezbollah have yet to change their anti-Semitic mindset. In light of the atrocities being perpetrated across the region, they should know: When we change our mindset, it will be more than the Dahiyeh neighborhood of Beirut and two buildings in Gaza that come tumbling down.
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