Dexter Van Zile..
09 March '18..
You have to hand it to the Presbyterian Church USA. Its leaders can’t figure out how to recruit new members or stop churches from leaving the denomination in droves, but they sure do know how to run a propaganda war against Israel and its Jewish supporters in the United States. Like the Palestinians for whom the church advocates so irresponsibly, officials and activists in the PCUSA are more intent on attacking Israel and its supporters in the United States than promoting the welfare of the community they lead.
About the best that can be said for the denomination is that it is not losing as many members as it used to. That was the underlying message of a press release written last March by Jerry Van Marter, interim communications director in the PCUSA’s Office of the General Assembly. In a piece about the church’s ongoing collapse, Van Marter’s headline declared that “PC(USA) membership decline continues but slows.”
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