Paul Gross..
Guest Post/Honest Reporting..
08 March '18..
2018 began with a rare gift to Israel advocates from Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. One of the Middle East myths most widely accepted by the western media is the ‘moderation’ of the PA leader. He is routinely portrayed as a committed peace-seeker, frustrated in his efforts to reach a deal by the “hardline” (or, sometimes, “far-right”) Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu. Never mind that this is a man who refused to accept the most concessionary Israeli two-state offer on record, Ehud Olmert’s in 2009; he has since walked away twice from US-mediated negotiations with Netanyahu, even after Israel’s “hardline” Prime Minister froze settlement building (in the first instance) and released Palestinian terrorists (in the second).
So how did Abbas help us out at the beginning of the year? Well, in one long historically illiterate and conspiracy-theory- laden rant to the PLO Central Council, he provided all the evidence required to bust the ‘moderation’ myth. The speech included a litany of fabrications which was labeled “anti-Semitic,” not by Netanyahu but by Avi Gabbay, leader of the left-wing opposition in the Knesset. The list of libels included a denial of Jewish connections to Jerusalem; a childish attempt at historical one-upmanship, claiming that Palestinians are the descendants of the biblical Canaanites; and the faux incredulous “When have we ever rejected negotiations?” (Any number of frustrated Israeli and American negotiators could provide him with a list of dates.)
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