Yoni Ben Menachem..
Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs..
27 March '18..
The military wing of Hamas began a “defense exercise” in the Gaza Strip on March 25, 2018. Sources in Gaza say it is a show of strength by Hamas in preparation for the large “return march” that is supposed to take place between Land Day, marked on March 30, and Nakba Day on May 15.
According to these sources, the exercise provides a double message. On the one hand, it is a message to residents of Gaza wanting to participate in the return march that there is someone who will defend them from the IDF. On the other hand, it is a deterrent message to the IDF, because the IDF needs to know that if it harms the marchers, this will lead to a security escalation. This war could then spread within the boundaries of the State of Israel and will not be confined only to the Gaza Strip.
The march of a mass of Palestinians toward the border with Israel is not a Palestinian invention. It was first invented by Hizbullah, who already tried it on Israel’s northern borders on Nakba Day on May 15, 2011.
During that six-hour event, several hundred young Palestinian men and women tried to cross the Lebanese and Syrian borders with Israel. The IDF soldiers at the border were taken by surprise and were compelled to open fire. As a result, ten demonstrators were killed, and another 100 were injured.
Now, Hamas is attempting to replicate Hizbullah’s exercise and turn this into an event that will last several weeks. Its basic premise is that the large media presence on the Palestinian side will provide enough protection for the Palestinian marchers to overcome the “fear barrier,” approach the border fence with Israel, and try to cross it. In their estimation, IDF soldiers will act with great caution and won’t use live ammunition due to the media presence among the marchers.
Using Refugees as a Human Shield
No country in the world would agree to tens of thousands of demonstrators, accompanied by various kinds of media, infiltrating their borders and trying to get into their territory. Hamas is making cynical use of Palestinian refugees living in the Gaza Strip as cannon fodder against the IDF, who have to protect the border fence and cannot allow infiltration into Israeli territory at any price.
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