Angel Mas..
Guest Post/Honest Reporting..
19 March '18..
Intersectionality is the unnatural alliance of seemingly incompatible groups that defend contradictory positions. They unite in their common hatred against western democracies and universal values associated with market capitalism, independent courts, parliamentary representation, rule of law, freedom of speech, worship and press and equal rights for all. One of the favorite “soft targets” of intersectionality is Israel, the right of a Jewish State to exist in freedom and security.
To this delegitimizing end, neo-Nazis will operate hand in hand with Communists and anarchists, so-called feminists will demonstrate with Salafists, and utterly confused gay rights activists chant jihadi slogans. They say they target Zionists, but we all know they mean Jews.
The compulsive obsession that targets one state, the only Jewish state, follows an ignoble tradition of harassment of one easily identifiable minority. Centuries ago, that bias used religion as justification (the people that murdered Christ). Later, nationalism was the excuse (the fifth columnists such as Alfred Dreyfus who betrayed the country, or hidden conspiracies for world domination by the Elders of Zion). The Nazis appealed to pseudo-science (the inferior, perverted race). Now the ancient sickly obsession uses Israel, the hatred against the Jewish State, as a catalyst.
Nothing new either in the four Ds that summarise the means of the bigots: Demonize, Delegitimize, Dehumanize and apply Double standards to the national self determination of the Jewish people.
That is what epitomizes the Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions movement against Israel.
The BDS is a global phenomena that is born from the modern antisemites’ acceptance of the improbability of defeating Israel through military confrontation or terrorist attacks. The objective is the same: the annihilation of the Jewish homeland, “from the river to the sea.” But now, BDS tries to push the international community to condemn Israel as a pariah state and ostracize all those that support her: Zionists. Jews.
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Angel Mas is president of ACOM, an organization fighting the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement in Spain. The views expressed here are his own.
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