Adam Levick..
UK Media Watch..
07 March '18..
We recently posted about an Evening Standard review of a play being performed at Finborough Theatre in London called Returning to Haifa. Though the review noted that the play was based on a novel by a Palestinian named Ghassan Kanafani, who they refer to as an “acclaimed Palestinian writer” killed by the Mossad, it failed to mention that Kanafni was a high-ranking member of the PFLP terror group – a fact which would help readers understand why the “writer” was targeted by Israel.
Though we complained to editors about the omission, the piece has not been amended.
A Guardian review of the play published the same day similarly fails acknowledge Kanafni’s terror background, and, more importantly, misleads on the historical context of the play.
Here’s the sentence in question by Guardian theatre critic Michael Billington:
The play shows a Palestinian couple returning to Haifa in 1967 in search of the house and son they were forced to abandon 20 years previously during mass evictions by Israeli forces.
Were their “mass evictions” of Haifa’s Arabs by “Israeli forces”, as the Guardian suggests?
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