Daniel Pomerantz..
Honest Reporting..
14 March '18..
What is the Palestinian Martyrs Fund? Is it a reward for terrorists or a system of social welfare for those in genuine need?
A Washington Post fact-checking analysis attempts to make the case that the fund is not primarily a reward for terrorism but a misunderstood social welfare program, unfairly maligned by Israeli and American researchers:
A big problem is definitional. Netanyahu refers to “terrorists and their families.” In the Palestinian Authority’s budget, one can find $350* million in annual payments to Palestinian prisoners, “martyrs” and injured, but can one with certainty say they are all terrorists?
(*The Martyrs Fund has recently been increased to $403 Million.)
To this end, journalist Glenn Kessler repeats Palestinian arguments that the fund is a kind of social welfare, cherry picking examples that would appear to support the claim. He also criticizes rigorous Israeli and US research.
Finally, Kessler completely avoids examination of the one thing that would utterly topple his dubious case: Palestinian law itself.
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