Sean Durns..
13 March '18..
When it comes to the Arab-Israeli conflict, The Washington Post says much with what it chooses—and chooses not to—report. Both omission-laden reporting and selective coverage are distorting the paper’s depiction of the Jewish state.
The Washington Post continually omits Palestinian rejection of U.S. and Israeli peace offers, while simultaneously ignoring Palestinian leaders who embrace terror. In the last 18 years alone, the Palestinian Authority has refused U.S. and Israeli proposals for peace in exchange for a Palestinian state on numerous occasions, including 2000 at Camp David, 2001 at Taba and 2008 after the Annapolis Conference. Similarly, the P.A. rejected U.S. attempts to restart negotiations in 2014 and 2016, and has refused bilateral talks—a requirement stipulated by the Oslo accords that created the P.A. in the first place and which remains the basis for its funding—for the last eight years.
The P.A. could have accepted any of these numerous opportunities for statehood; they not only refused, but declined to so much as make a counteroffer.
Yet The Washington Post doesn’t feel that this continual pattern of Palestinian rejectionism is worthy of news space. The Post failed to detail these rejected offers in the more than 35 reports on the state of the “peace process” that their Jerusalem bureau and World Views section published from January 2016 through February 2018.
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