Ira Stoll..
22 March '18..
The Palestinian president publicly called the American ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, a “son of a dog” — and The New York Times ignored it.
Readers relying on the print New York Times for their news would have found no mention of the insult, which the Times ignored, suppressed, censored, or subjected to a kind of news blackout.
Even for the online, web-only Times, where there are no space constraints or extra costs of paper, ink, or delivery, the newspaper didn’t cover the story with any staff reporters or even “special to the Times” exclusive freelancers. Instead it relied on wire service accounts — one from The Associated Press and another from Reuters.
Speaking of dogs, there may be a canine explanation for the lack of coverage. Maybe the editors see it as what in the newspaper business is known as a “dog bites man” story — something that happens so often that it isn’t particularly newsworthy, as opposed to a “man bites dog” story, which is rare enough that it merits attention.
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