Stephen M. Flatow..
30 May '18..
Another Israeli has been murdered, after having been struck in the head by what Ha’aretz described as a “heavy brick.”
For years, major American news media outlets have portrayed Palestinian rock-throwers as “peaceful” protesters, even when they throw rocks and bricks. New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman infamously once included rock-throwing in his list of types of “non-violent resistance” that he hopes Palestinians will carry out. Well, I guess Friedman got his wish.
On May 24, an Israeli counter-terror unit entered the al-Amari refugee camp near Ramallah in pursuit of fugitive terrorists. Apparently, the absurdly large Palestinian Authority security forces, which are headquartered in Ramallah, had no interest in arresting the terrorists, so the Israelis had to enter P.A.-occupied territory to do the job that the P.A. promised to do in the Oslo Accords.
For years, groups like J Street and Peace Now have been telling us that ordinary Palestinian Arabs are just like ordinary Americans—they’re moderate, peace-seeking, opponents of terrorism.
Not quite.
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