Elder of Ziyon..
11 June '18..
The current "Great Return March" is not the first attempt by Palestinians to "return" to Israel by pretending to peacefully march through the Israeli borders.
In 2011, there were two sets of similar demonstrations or attempts, in May and June for Nakba Day and Naksa Day. Arabs of Palestinian descent attempted to walk into Israel from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, as well as Gaza and the West Bank.
In most cases, the demonstrators were not stopped by Israel, but by the police and armies of the host countries and territories - often violently.
On May 15, the Lebanese army fired at the demonstrators, killing 10 of them.
The Egyptian army stopped any buses with demonstrators before they could approach the border, and in Jordan dozens were injured as the Jordanian security forces stopped the demonstrators from approaching the border with Israel.
If these were peaceful protests, then why would the host countries be willing to use violence to stop its own citizens from approaching Israeli territory?
The reason is that everyone knows that crossing a border without permission is an act of war, not an act of protest.
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