David Collier..
Beyond the Great Divide..
11 June '18..
The Hezbollah flag is a symbol of murderous hate. The flag drips with the blood of its innocent victims, is etched with the tales of numerous terror attacks and is washed in the untold misery inflicted on those that disagree with the radical Islamic Shi’a ideology of the group it represents. The flag carries the image of a weapon, an ‘in your face’ statement of the way this group imposes its demands. Where it is waved, it carries a message of intolerance, of violence and of regressive attitudes that are totally alien to modern society. It is held up by those who do not respect our values, who do not believe in peace or equality and by those who simply hate Jews. The flag has no place in western society and it remains diametrically opposed to our way of life. When a Jewish person sees this flag held high, he sees in it confirmation that people support a movement that want to kill him, just because he is a Jew.
The UK government should be ashamed that this flag is waved on London’s streets.
Al Quds 2018, Hezbollah are back in town
Yesterday was 10 June 2018. It was al-Quds day and Hezbollah flags were to be waved in London again. This particular event, held near the end of Ramadan, was introduced by the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979. I have experienced them before. In 2016, as part of my undercover work, I marched with the Hezbollah through the streets of London as part of their demonstration. In 2017, after I had become ‘recognisable’, I donned a Keffiyeh to hide my face and walk with them again.
This year was more complicated and I wanted the freedom to be able to move around the streets without the police stopping me on every corner. I carried my disguise if I needed it, but chose to remain for the most part as someone on the outside looking in.
For me the greatest irony of the day was the fact that just a few hundred yards away, as the Hezbollah haters were setting up their stage, thousands of women were taking part in a march to celebrate 100 years of suffrage for women. The contrast between progressive and regressive, between hope and hate, could not have been more clear.
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