Amit Barak..
12 June '18..
In recent years we are witnessing a process of awakening among Christians in Israel, as well as among members of other minorities, who are speaking out and acting against the prevailing attitude in the Arab sector and against the systemic fixation of the authorities in Israel.
This can be seen in the historical process of integration into Israeli society and enlistment in the IDF and National Service, in which more and more Arab-speaking Christians are taking part. It is also seen in a redefining of Christians, who shed their Arab identity and adopt the historical Aramaic identity and Israeli identity. Even among young leaders and activists in the Bedouin community and in the Arab sector, Israeli identity as a definition is gradually taking its place and these voices are becoming public.
Military service is the ticket into Israeli society, but the initiatives do not stop there and that is a good thing. Christians, Bedouins, Arab Muslims and Druze can now be seen in the forefront of public diplomacy efforts and the struggle against anti-Semitism and the delegitimization of Israel. For example, the “Reservists on Duty” organization, which organizes the extraordinary activities of Israeli minorities on campuses in the United States and Europe.
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