Ira Stoll..
08 June '18..
Here’s a case of flawed reporting on the Israeli-Arab conflict from, of all cases, the sports section of the New York Times.
“Argentina-Israel Soccer Game Canceled Over Playing In Jerusalem,” is the headline over the dispatch from Buenos Aires by Daniel Politi.
It reports, in part, “President Trump this spring moved the United States Embassy there from Tel Aviv and recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, angering Palestinians who hope to see the eastern part of the city become the capital of a future Palestinian state.”
My print edition of the Times illustrated the article with a Getty Images photograph of a sign in Hebron. The sign included a picture of the star Argentine soccer player Lionel Messi with the words, “Warning. You are about to enter an occupied land! Stand up for human rights! Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine.”
The sign in the photo doesn’t say “eastern Jerusalem.” It just says “Jerusalem,” suggesting that to the degree Palestinians are indeed “angry” about this, it isn’t merely because of their own hopes for the eastern part of the city, but because they want to deny Israel sovereignty over any of the city.
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