Elder of Ziyon..
12 June '18..
The United Nations Population Fund has written a report about the dangers to Gaza women as a result of the "Great Return March."
The report proves that Palestinian society is pretty sick.
The report identifies four groups of Gaza women who are negatively impacted by the riots.
Mothers with injured children reported increased gender-based violence, especially psychological/emotional violence as mothers were often blamed by their husbands and other family members for ‘allowing’ their children to participate.
So - Gaza women can be beaten for allowing their children to go to a march, or pretty much anything else.
Women whose husbands have been killed or injured during the demonstrations are expected to meet the financial needs of the family, which is difficult in a situation with a high unemployment rate. Moreover, widows and wives who were subjected to forced child marriage often do not have proper education, which makes the job search even more difficult.
Oh, by the way, a significant number of Palestinian women are child brides.
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