Stephen M. Flatow..
12 June '18..
The phrase “demilitarized Palestinian state” is the very definition of an oxymoron—“a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction.”
Proponents of Palestinian statehood use the term “demilitarized” as a propaganda weapon. They know that Palestinian Authority spokesmen have consistently rejected the idea that a state would be demilitarized. And they know that the idea of demilitarizing a dictatorship has never been successfully implemented in history. But they use the phrase because it’s the only way to sell their awful plan.
The creation of a Palestinian state in most or all of Judea-Samaria means that Israel would be nine miles wide at one point. The idea that a Palestinian state would have an army of its own is nothing less than terrifying. It means that Israel would be in mortal danger from the moment “Palestine” is created.
So, the only way for Palestinian advocates to push their cause is to pretend that somehow, it would be demilitarized. Look at the new poll carried out by the American Jewish Committee about attitudes among American Jews and Israelis.
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