Sheri Oz..
Israel Diaries..
14 June '18..
Time to just stop the merry-go-round and get off! Just get off! Stop defending Israel’s right to exist!
Pro-Zionist / anti-Zionist / philosemite / antisemite / Islamophile / Islamophobe / pro-China / anti-China / neo-nazi / anti-nazi / pro-Palestinian / anti-Palestinian / left / right / up / down / over / around . . . enough!
These may be meaningful terms for individuals, but in the grand scheme of things they are nothing.
The only game in town is “Let’s Make a Deal” because the only thing that propels global affairs is one’s own self-interests. Whether the “one” is a nation or a huge corporation pressuring the nation, world politics and foreign affairs are determined by these entities making deals that seek to maximize the attainment of their own interests. Who can make the best deal for themselves? That is the only relevant issue.
‘The Deal’ was certainly not invented by Trump. It has always been that way. Interests can be defined in terms of money and power and these are usually the same thing. Control of natural resources translates into money and power. Control of land translates into money and power. Control over large populations translates into money and power.
Concerns over morality and ethics have never had much, if any, sway whether in the national or international domain. And if morality and ethics are served by any of the deals made, it is purely coincidental.
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