Arnold/Frimet Roth..
This Ongoing War..
29 August '18..
The uncovering of a significant Hamas terror cell based in the Hevron area, and the central role in it taken by females, was cleared for publication in a Shin Bet announcement yesterday (Tuesday). Ynet says initial indictments have been filed in the Judea Military Court.
Some of the key disclosures:
- A special focus on women - dozens of them from the Hevron area are reported to have been recruited into Hamas via this initiative.
- Cell leaders received "money, messages, and instructions" from Hamas terror leaders based outside Israel - including (according to Haaretz) Haroun Nasser Adin, another of several Shalit Deal beneficiaries now operating from Turkey. (See "29-Jan-18: Freeing unrepentant terrorists and the horrors it has brought" for some commentary on the scale of the ongoing Shalit Deal catastrophe.)
- The cell, made up of dozens of Palestinian Arabs, "promoted" Hamas activity in the area including recruiting new members for its work; coordinating via mosques; gathering intelligence; engaging in incitement via sermons and the social media; giving support to prisoners' families; transferring messages and instructions; moving funds around to finance terror.
- An attempt, in the words of an Israel National News report, "to take control of the Hevron municipality and various charities in the city".
- The establishment of a local committee to be the Hevron operational arm of Hamas' headquarters.
That committee is said to be headed by a woman named Dina al-Karmi. Who is she?
Ynet gives her name as Dina al-Said. An Arab source calls her Donya Sa'id and fleshes out the description in this nauseatingly disingenuous way: "the wife a Palestinian man who was killed by the army several years ago". An unfortunate accident?
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